A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. DFE 2014
We want our children to understand their place in the world. Our intent is to inspire curiosity about the human and natural worlds at local, national and global levels. Our children will learn about a diversity of places and people as well as the world’s landforms and resources. They will be taught about the interactions between humans and their environment and their responsibilities in this relationship. We aim to encourage inquisitiveness and practical investigations and field work will be at the centre of our children’s learning.
Many children who have SEND are able to access the Geography curriculum at an age appropriate level, with appropriate support / differentiated ways to learn and record information as required. Pre-teaching, and gap filling, is provided for pupils who have SEND in order to support them to access learning alongside their peers and to work at or towards age related expectations.
In cases where pupils who have SEND are not able to access age related skills and knowledge, that from different year group is taught as previously planned by the class teacher. Having secured that knowledge and skills the intention is that they progress towards that which is age related. Assessment and monitoring is tracked using Curriculum Maestro.
Mr T J Hammond is our Geography Co-ordinator.
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage
Geography Programmes of Study Key Stages 1 and 2
Geography is taught in projects. Teachers then plan the key knowledge and skills of each lesson following Cornerstones teaching sequence. Consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics throughout each year group across the school. Key knowledge is repeated and developed in order for children to build on previous learning. By the end of year 6, children will have had the opportunity to investigate a range of places, developing their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. Through increasing children’s knowledge of other cultures, a respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multicultural country and world are developed.
All children are assessed in Geography by their teachers, at the end of each unit. Mr T J Hammond then analyses the attainment and progress of the whole school in this area. This information informs future teaching and learning in Geography.