Year 3
Welcome to Year 3, we have lots of fantastic learning planned for this academic year, which I know the children, Mrs McGrath and Ms Whiteside are going to really enjoy. We will be studying topics in Science, Geography, History, Art and Design and D & T under these Main Project Titles.
Autumn - Through the Ages
Spring - Rocks, Relics and Rumbles
Summer - Emperors and Empires
We will be using Talk for Writing to support our English lessons using a selection of fiction books. This will support the children with their writing, and will enable them to develop their literacy skills of writing stories, describing characters, discussions, non-chronological reports, explanations, recounts, persuasion and instructions.
More information on our curriculum can be found in our Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers below.
Timetables and Curriculum Overview Map
Topic Maps and Knowledge Organisers
Useful Websites
Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)
All Subjects:
Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling List