Year 1
Year 1
A warm welcome to Year 1. We have an exciting year ahead with lots of fun learning. The teachers in Year 1 are Mrs Riggett-Roderick and Ms Mitra. We are also lucky to have our wonderful teaching assistants Miss Middleton and Mrs Begum.
This term the children will be learning all about Dinosaurs! They will study the life of Mary Anning and learn about different dinosaurs, their diet, appearance and habitats.
In Maths, we will be working with numbers to 20, exploring statistics, money and shapes .
In English, we will be starting our term with the story, Handa's Surprise and learning the story through oral rehearsal and story mapping which is an approach from Talk for Writing. This will support the children with writing simple sentences and using basic punctuation.
The children will have lots of home learning opportunities through our amazing learning platforms; Sumdog and Purple Mash. Spellings will be sent out each week to learn and to practice.
Phonics is taught daily to support with reading and we use the Little Wandle programme to teach graphemes and phonemes (sounds). We also teach reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension through Guided Reading sessions using Big Cat Books.
Timetables and Curriculum Overview Map
Topic Maps
End of Year 1 Expectations
Year 1 and 2 spellings
Useful Websites
Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)
All Subjects: