School Policies and Procedures
If you would like a hard copy of any of the policies listed, please ask a memberof staff in the School Office who will be happy to print one for you. Please allow 3 working days for this to be organised.
Please find below our up-to-date Policies:-
All our Policies are saved as PDF files. To read these files please download Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here for help.
Note: Finance Management Manual 2018 is currently under review. Charging and Remissions Policy can be found within the Finance Management Manual - Section 17
Operational policies and procedures
Statement about the processing of biometric data
This statement confirms that, Thomas Whitehead CE Academy, does not store or process any form of biometric data, such as fingerprints or retina scans.
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) will review this statement on at least an annual basis. The next scheduled review date for this statement is Summer 2025
If the school does decide to store or process biometric data, the Trust Protection of Biometric Information Policy will be implemented for the processing of such data, which would be made available on the school website. Any changes made to the school’s position on the processing of biometric data will be clearly communicated to all staff, parents and pupils.
If you have any questions about this statement, please contact the DPO on:
Trust Data Protection Officer
Diocese of St Albans Multi-Academy Trust
Manshead CE Academy
Dunstable Road
Beds, LU1 4BB