Year 4
Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 we are looking forward to a fantastic, fun-filled year which will pave the way for future success. The teachers in Year 4 are Mrs Irwin, Mrs Galani and Mrs Eles. We are passionate about providing a positive learning environment where all children are inspired, engaged and supported in their learning in order to reach their full potential.
Throughout, the year children will be encouraged to become more independent not only in their learning but also personally and socially. We look forward to seeing each and every one of our class grow and flourish as the year progresses.
The Year 4 curriculum is filled with exciting topics such as travelling the world to discover mountains and rivers in North and South America, studying and producing animal and Islamic artwork, and delving into History by looking at the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Summer, Indus Valley Civilisations aswell as travelling back in time closer to home finding out about the invading Anglo-Saxons and Vicious Vikings.
In Maths, we have a particular emphasis on securing recall of times tables to 12 x 12, as this will support the children in all areas of Maths, and prepare them for their Multiplication Tables Check in June.
We love reading in Year 4 and the children will have the opportunity of reading and listening to a range of texts, and bring their texts alive using Talk 4 Writing in our English Lessons.
More information on our curriculum can be found in our Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers below.
Timetables and Curriculum Overview Map
Topic Maps and Knowledge Organisers
Useful Websites
Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)
All Subjects:
Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling List