Welcome to Nursery where we provide a warm and nurturing environment in which all children can learn and develop through their play. This is our provision for children who are aged 3 and will turn 4 later in the academic year.
Sessions are either 5 mornings, 5 afternoons or full-time. Three year olds are eligible for 15 hours free early education funding; this equates to 5 sessions each week. We have a maximum of 26 children in each session which means we can develop positive relationships with all the children and respond to their individual interests and needs. Also attached is our Welcome Booklet for new parents. Please contact the school office, either by phone or email, if you are interested in a Nursery Place for your child.
Our Nursery Class teacher is Mrs Montgomery who teaches with the support of Miss Lemmon.
For the current year group, please find attached our parent information booklet which explains our curriculum for this year and how we work in Nursery. There is a class timetable and also our Long Term Plan for the year.
Please check Class Dojo each week for further updates and photos on your child’s learning.