Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
(SENCO) – Mrs Helen Long
01582 865466
As part of the Children and Families Bill 2014, all schools in Central Bedfordshire are required to make available to families their “SEND Offer”. This means they have to publish details about how they can support children and young people with a Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND).
Are you a parent or carer of a child or young person identified with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) in Central Bedfordshire, or do you know someone who is?
If the answer is yes, then did you know that the Council’s Children’s Services team has a suite of resources to support people in Central Bedfordshire, called the Local Offer?
A Local Offer gives children and young people with SEND and their families a wide range of information about the support services that are available in their local area. The information covers education, health and social care support and services for people aged between 0 and 25 years.
We would like to hear your feedback on the content to help us make it clearer, more comprehensive, more accessible and up to date. If you have any feedback, then please email
You can also follow the Local Offer on Facebook and Sign up to our SEND news email service to receive fortnightly SEND news updates